Buying a home is a very complex process. In addition to considering commercial, financial and legal aspects, it also requires solid negotiation skills. Why not hand this task over to a professional? A real estate broker who is a member of a real estate board can successfully navigate you through the entire process.

Recognized Expertise
Real estate brokers have followed extensive training and hold a certificate from the Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ). Skilled negotiators, they have access to many tools and expert references: from building inspectors and notaries, to financial institutions and mortgage brokers, real estate brokers serve as a one-stop resource! Their presence also provides you with legal protection, as stated in the Real Estate Brokerage Act.

A Solid Team Effort
When looking to buy a home, a real estate broker can target those properties that best suit your needs and budget thanks to privileged access to the MLS® system. They can accompany you during visits in order to objectively analyze the different characteristics of each property. They are also there to represent you when it comes time to negotiate, a phase during which the help of an accomplished professional is very much appreciated. In short, a broker will guide you through all of the steps involved in purchasing your home, right up to your visit with the notary!


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